
Here you will find information for dealing with common pests in your facilities, the roles in which members of the facility participate and the results of IPM programs in Tennessee and around the country. The IPM Logbook for both School and Childcare Facility IPM is available by section for easy maintenance of your logbook.

The monthly newsletter is archived so that past issues can be easily referenced.

For current urban IPM news updates, please visit our Facebook page.

IPM Resources

Promote your IPM Program!

Remind everyone on how they can do their part with fun, informative documentation. Promoting your IPM program by placing informative posters throughout your child-serving facility can have a big impact on the success of your IPM program.

Download posters for kitchen, students, teachers, and maintenance staff below!

Small picture preview of the IPM Program Kitchen Edition
IPM Program Kitchen Edition
Small picture preview of the IPM Program Student Edition
IPM Program Student Edition
Small picture preview of the IPM Program Teacher Edition
IPM Program Teacher Edition
Small picture preview of the IPM Program Maintenance Edition
IPM Program Maintenance Edition